
serviced apartments - Copyチェンナイに住んでいる今、何件ものサービスアパートを視察に行ってきました。部屋は広々してて、値段もお手ごろ!清潔かつ金額に見合う価値を提供している物件が続出しています。Wi-fi インターネット、ハウスキーピング、などなど、このような物件がいくつも存在していることはとっても嬉しいことです。南インドにお立ち寄りの際はぜひ!

Thank You!


A Warm and Gracious Thank You to All our Global

Partners and Supporters  from Heart to Heart Global Housing!

Jostna in India, INTERFACE PROJECTS in Australia,


Coffee Sakura and Yoko Sensei from Yoga Saraswati in Japan.

Dion Beg from CENTUM , Toronto , Canada

and  to All our current project workers in New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore.

Parts of Europe are also in the workings…

Building Homes

India is an amazing place to be in. This home is being built by a group of about 20 people including husbands, wives and children!

The teamwork and synchronicity put into their hard labour is just totally awesome to watch.

They make the concrete on site and so much of the construction is handmade.

The end result is somewhat intriguing and then it starts all over again!

I have been living around building sites for the past year and a half and have learned much!